On September 14th each year, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, a special ceremony called the "Rito della Nivola" takes place, where the sacred nail is revealed.
September Newsletter from Michiko Sutter

Hello, this is Michiko Sutta. How are you?
It’s already September of 2024! I feel that time is flying by this year as well.
I also sense that the energy of this year is flowing in a zigzag, like large waves. You could say that we are in a time of great change, moving towards a new era.
In December of last year, I was led to Milan and visited the Milan Cathedral.
There, I was greeted by Saint Bartholomew, one of the 12 apostles. It is said that he was captured during his mission and subjected to the punishment of flaying before ascending to heaven.
When I saw the vivid statue of Bartholomew, with his skin completely flayed from his body, I heard his voice.
"Listen, those who can hear!"
When I heard that voice, I thought, "Wow! That’s intense!" (laughs).
I wrote about this experience in my book Guided on the Light, which I published in September of last year, 2023.
Over the decades, I've sometimes heard voices from the souls inhabiting portraits or statues, as I did when I visited the Vatican.
So, when I received a message from Bartholomew, I was certain, "I came to Milan for this reason.
" I’ve shared the message I received at that time in a YouTube video. Please feel free to watch it if you're interested.
From there, I was guided by Saint Bartholomew, and eventually, towards Jesus.
At my husband's company Christmas dinner (in Europe, most companies celebrate the end of the year with a Christmas dinner), I couldn’t attend because I had a session, but I joined my husband the next day in Milan.
After the dinner, my husband entered the Milan Cathedral, where he heard from a guide about the Nivola Ceremony, which takes place on September 14th. He was intrigued, so we made a promise to attend the ceremony this year, 2023. Coincidentally, this annual ceremony falls on our wedding anniversary.
Now, let me tell you about the "Rito della Nivola," the Nivola Ceremony, which we attended on September 14th at the Milan Cathedral this month.
The "Rito della Nivola" ceremony, held annually at Milan Cathedral, revolves around what is believed to be one of the nails used during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This holy nail is kept in a special chamber behind the cathedral’s choir and is marked by a small red light.
Every year on September 14th, during the ceremony, the nail is brought out, and it is the only day when people can view this sacred relic. The nail housed in the cathedral is considered one of the most important relics in Christian tradition.
According to legend, Emperor Constantine, son of Saint Helena, who discovered the True Cross in Jerusalem in the 4th century, possessed this nail. Eventually, the relic was transported to Milan and has been revered at the cathedral for centuries.
On September 14th each year, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, a special ceremony called the "Rito della Nivola" takes place, where the sacred nail is revealed.
In this ritual, the Archbishop of Milan is lifted high on an ancient device called the "Nivola," allowing him to retrieve the relic and present it to the faithful.
This traditional ceremony, with its long history, attracts many believers and visitors who come to witness the nail and remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
I am grateful to have participated in this ceremony. After returning to Switzerland, I woke up in the middle of the night, around 3 a.m.
Instinctively, I grabbed a pen and paper, sat on the sofa, and received a message.
It was a message from Saint Bartholomew:
"I have reached my final destination through suffering, but the future of the world will not be born from suffering enjoy it.
Light is born from darkness, and light shines even brighter. Light reverses from darkness, and its nature changes.
Everything depends on you.
You can gain awareness of the light from the darkness.
Will you stay in the darkness?
Or will you move forward and escape from that darkness? It is up to you.
By now, you must have realized that holding onto things you no longer need will do you no good.
The obstacles are not caused by others but come from within yourself.
The stronger your desire for light, the stronger the darkness becomes.
The middle... the balance...
Once you have an intention of awareness, the tangled threads will untangle, and you will realize that everything is connected.
I strongly wished for something, and it resulted in me carrying a heavy burden. You will realize that you don't have to do that.
All the unnecessary emotions tied to the past will no longer be needed.
You only need to think about what kind of world you want and take action.
I became the guardian for those heading to the world of death, at the moment of **Agyō the beginning of speech. Before they ascend to heaven, I ask them:
‘Have you released the unnecessary burdens? Are you prepared to discard what is unnecessary and return to your true home?’
Blessed are those who become aware."
That was the message I received from Saint Bartholomew.
I hope you find it helpful.
14th September 2014, Milan Michiko Sutter
**In Buddhist terminology, the word "阿形" (Agyō) refers to one of the two statues commonly seen at the entrance of temples, known as the **Nio statues** or **Kongōrikishi statues**. The "Agyō" statue is depicted with its mouth open, symbolizing the beginning of the universe or the start of things. This open-mouth posture represents the sound "A," which is the first sound in many Eastern spiritual traditions, symbolizing creation and the start of life.
Agyō is often paired with **Ungyō**, the other statue with its mouth closed, symbolizing the end of the universe or completion. Together, these statues embody the concept of "A-un," representing the beginning and the end, or all-encompassing nature of existence.
(References: ChatGPT)